OpenAI API v1 change

1 minute read

OpenAI’s Dev Day was quite exciting, right? But do you konw they quitely release API v1 and has breaking changes in it? This would keep my busy for next couple of weeks to update documents, example code and cookbooks.

I spent some time exploring what’s the new format and how to work with it.

1. With OpenAI class client.

For api_key, you can either set it by environment variable (method 1), or inside the client initialization (method 2)

For base_url , you can NOT set it by environment variable, but have to do it inside client initialization (method 2) or you can do it a hacky method 3 ( NOT recommended, you need to manually make sure a trailing / in the URL)


### Method 1 by env. variable
client = openai.OpenAI(base_url=OPENAI_API_BASE)

### Method 2 by client initialization
client = openai.OpenAI(base_url=OPENAI_API_BASE,
 api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY)

### Method 3 hacky way
import httpx
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY)
client._base_url= httpx.URL(OPENAI_API_BASE+'/')

### Get the completions
chat_completion =

2. Without OpenAI class client.

The method is most similar to the old API, but make sure to have a trailing / in the URL

openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY
openai.base_url = OPENAI_API_BASE +'/'
chat_completion =

3. Improvment needed

The pain point is there is NO MORE OPENAI_API_BASE environment variable. But according to this issue, OpenAI is working on bringing it back with another name. I would guess it will be called OPENAI_BASE_URL.

Adding the trailing ‘/’ is very annoying and I submitted a PR to fix it. But still pending.