Pinecone Canopy, tokenizer, poetry…

1 minute read

Pinecone released Canopy, which is a framework for RAG. It original has OpenAI as LLM and embedding model provider and wants to cooperate with Anyscale for open souce LLM support.

The project was delayed couple fo weeks due to the war situation. Now it’s back on track and I submitted PR for AE support and under final reviews.

Couple of things I learnt from this process

1. Tokenizer

You don’t realize all the tricks around tokenizers if you simply call Llama2’s tokenizer from Transformers lib. But initially we don’t want to use the heavyweight lib but directly use Tokenizers instead, and avoid use gated models like Llama2 which needs HF tokens.

  1. So I tried OpenLLM/tokenizer, which gives slightl different tokenized results.

  2. Tokenizers only loads from a JSON file, while Transformers tokenizer classes load JSON, model files.

  3. We finally decided to go back to from transformers import LlamaTokenizerFast with hf-internal-testing/llama-tokenizer.This is the closes tokenizer we can get for Llama2

    2. pytest for unit test.

    Unit and system tests were added for Canopy, which is a good practice.
    pytest to verify the results.

    3. flake8 and mypy

    flake8 is stype guide enforcement and mypy is a static type checker for Python.
    I tried with black first and it solves most of the format issues. except for lines being too long. It can be solved with proper flake8 configs.

    4. poetry

    poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python.
    I didn’t get proper flake8 configs due to installations. Then it solves by poetry install . and peotry run

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