Create Workshop by Hugo Part 1
Workshop instructions by Hugo is a great tool. Easy to create, goodlooking template and look professional. I am so regretful that my early workshops in AWS were not creat in this format and got lost. AWS later have an internal workshop tool called Workshop something, bascially it’s a host for Hugo website.
Here is a quick intro to how to start creating workshop instructions by Hugo. Part one focuses on how to create the local website, and later part two will use S3 to host the static website.
Step 1, Hugo installation
This is straightforward. Simply run brew install hugo
to get the job done.
Step 2, Get a template and start work from there.
This is the tempalte I created. Git clone it and start working on Markdowns!
Step 3, local test
Run hugo server
and then go to the local link, which usually is http://localhost:1313
Now you can see the workshop page. Edit file and the changes will be present in real time.