
less than 1 minute read

Unit Test, is something I ignore for a long time. I know it existence but barely initiate one. If it’s already in the system, I don’t mind add one, like for Canopy.
But recent requests I get, it always ask for unit tests, so here are some finding regarding pytest.

1. Test with Pytest

  • Run code with pytest is straightforward, just pytest
  • Use assert for test check, or define an assert_function
  • Use with pytest.raises(ValueError): for konwn exceptions
  • Use with pytest.warns(UserWarning): to catch known warnings
  • Use -s flag to show stand output

2. Pytest attributes

  • @pytest.fixture for predefine items can be used as function argument
    • Use autouse=True argument to auto requested by all tests, so you MUST supply augments of the fixture (if any) by mark.parameterize
    • See example below
      def mock_v1_local_models(requests_mock: Mocker, base_url: str) -> None:
            json={"data": 123},
      def test_function(public_class: type):
        assert public_class().flag
  • use pytest.mark.parameterize to set groups of arguments for test function or fixtures.
    • Example of (v11, v12) and (v21, v22) value groups for argument (param1, param2)
      @pytest.mark.parametrize("param1, param2,
      [("v11", "v12"),
       ("v21", "v22")])
    • It can also be used to set parameters for fixtures


