Ray Data

2 minute read

This is not quite the ML topic, but more about using Ray Data library to run batch progressing. Yes, the core function of Ray Data is batch progress, and here are some learnings

1. Data ingestion

It can read in multiple data formats by ray.data.read_format(). Here I want to demo from a basic dictionary as input

all_docs = []
for i in range(100):
    all_docs.append({"id": i,"doc": "this is a dummy doc with id "+str(i)})
ds = ray.data.from_items(all_docs)

You can view the data by show() or take_batch() function.

#{'id': 0, 'doc': 'this is a dummy doc with id 0'}
#{'id': 1, 'doc': 'this is a dummy doc with id 1'}
#  'id': array([0, 1]),
#   'doc': array(['this is a dummy doc with id 0', 'this is a dummy doc with id 1'],       dtype=object)}

The take_batch output is actually the input into map functions.

2. map, flat_map and map_batch

Let’s define an embedding function first

import openai
def generate_embedding(doc_batch):
    # Call embedding endpoint
    client = openai.OpenAI(
        base_url = "https://api.endpoints.anyscale.com/v1",
        api_key = "ANYSCALE_API_TOKEN"
     # Note: not all arguments are currently supported and will be ignored by the backend.
    resp = client.embeddings.create(
    #return doc_batch
    doc_batch["embeddings"] = [resp.data[i].embedding for i,_ in enumerate(doc_batch["doc"])]    
    return doc_batch

When you call map_batch, the doc_batch input to the embedding function, is same as the output of ds.take_batch(5), because we set batch_size to 5.

ds_out = ds.map_batches(generate_embedding, batch_size=5)
# generate_embedding will get input as 
# {'id': array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), 'doc': array()}
# will iterate over all input

And when you write output, you should also write a new key ‘embeddings’ with List value, lising all 5 embedding arrays. Then you can use show or take_batch to see the contents of ds_out.

You can use map call as well, so instead of sending in a batch of items, it will send in one item at a time, so it’s like the output show. So you need to modify function as below

def generate_embedding(doc_single_row):
    resp = client.embeddings.create(
        # If you call list(), it will generate a character list of the string, like ['t','h','i',...]

map have to return a dic, and value could be a list , but list of dics are NOT allowed

def duplicate_row(row):
    ## This gives error
    # return {'key':['value':row['id']]}
    return {'key':[row['id'],row['id']]}
##print results
##[{'key': [0, 0]}, {'key': [1, 1]}, {'key': [2, 2]}]

Last concept is flat_map, which is same as map to process one row at a time, but flat the results.

def generate_embedding(doc_single_row):
    doc_batch["embeddings"] = resp.data[0].embedding
    # Need to add [] for flat map
    return [doc_batch]
    # You can also try following code to see how exactly flat wors
    #return [doc_batch] * 2

flat_map has to return a list of dics w same keys(or consider it as a list of map output)

def duplicate_row(row):
    ## error if keys are different
    # return [{'key1':row['id']},{'key2':row['id']}]
    return [{'key':row['id']},{'key':row['id']}]
##print results
##[{'key': 0}, {'key': 0}, {'key': 1}, {'key': 1}, {'key': 2}, {'key': 2}]

3. batch size and some other parameters

bath_size controls the size of the batch, which is the most significant parameter.


