
4 minute read

A customer request, show a OSS solution for LoRA finetune. Open sourced NeMo is the backup plan and Pytorch PEFT is preferred

I looked up this example from Pytorch’s website and it worked it out. There are quite some pitfalls alone the way

1 Torchtune

torchtune is the Torch offical tuning lib, and it provides OOTB support for Llama3 and Llama3.1 LoRA FT. Couple of things to pay attention:

  1. The default checkpoint file to work with is consolidated.00.pth file under original folder
  2. The tokenizer has to be tokenizer.model, which also under original folder
  3. You can define batch_size and device for GPU
    tune run lora_finetune_single_device --config llama3/8B_lora_single_device \
     checkpointer.checkpoint_dir=/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/original \
     tokenizer.path=/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/original/tokenizer.model \
     checkpointer.output_dir=/_loras \
     batch_size=20 \

    After FT, it outputs following files. Still didn’t figor out how to use it with NIM

          597 Aug 21 16:43 config.json
     16060616659 Aug 21 20:32
      6857850 Aug 21 20:32

    2 HF weight format

    To directly work with HF weight format, safetensor files. There are prebuilt class to take it

    tune cp llama3/8B_lora_single_device ./my_config.yaml
    #default checkpoint class
    #  _component_: torchtune.utils.FullModelMetaCheckpointer
    tune run ... 
    checkpointer._component_="torchtune.utils.FullModelHFCheckpointer" \

3 Tokenizer JSON intake

The most challenage part is to take in tokenzier.json instead of the model file. The solution ended up to be overriding PreTrainedTokenizerFast class, and add missing attributes from llama3_tokenizer class

#  _component_: torchtune.models.llama3.llama3_tokenizer

Thanks to my VREY first blog of python packages, I can quickly set up a local library kh_lib and get it installed locally to test. Couple of tricks in the code

  1. The default argument is path, which doesn’t work. So replace it with tokenizer_file
  2. Missing attributes, added bos_id, eos_id, pad_id etc
  3. The encode doesn’t not support add_bos=False, so force to return from [1:]

The output files are

 4976716084 Aug 22 10:15
 4999824766 Aug 22 10:15
 4915937322 Aug 22 10:15
 1168140692 Aug 22 10:15
    6857850 Aug 22 10:15
    6861962 Aug 22 10:15 adapter_model.bin
         87 Aug 22 10:15 adapter_config.json

With this changes, the output of tune is actually adapter_config.yaml and adater_model.bin which is exactly what NIM needs Execept that I have to map model to CPU before it really works

tensors = torch.load('/adater_model.bin',map_location=torch.device('cpu')), '/_loras/adapter_model.bin')

PS The full code for kh_PreTrainedTokenizerFast

from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerFast
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from import Message, truncate
    "<|begin_of_text|>": 128000,
    "<|end_of_text|>": 128001,
    "<|start_header_id|>": 128006,
    "<|end_header_id|>": 128007,
    "<|eot_id|>": 128009,
    "<|eom_id|>": 128008,
    "<|python_tag|>": 128255,

class kh_PreTrainedTokenizerFast(PreTrainedTokenizerFast):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        special_tokens = kwargs.pop("special_tokens", None)
        self.special_tokens = (
            special_tokens if special_tokens is not None else LLAMA3_SPECIAL_TOKENS


        # Encode BOS and EOS, define pad ID
        self.bos_id = self.special_tokens["<|begin_of_text|>"]
        self.eos_id = self.special_tokens["<|end_of_text|>"]
        self.pad_id = 10

        # Encode extra special tokens
        self.start_header_id = self.special_tokens["<|start_header_id|>"]
        self.end_header_id = self.special_tokens["<|end_header_id|>"]
        self.eot_id = self.special_tokens["<|eot_id|>"]

        self.eom_id = self.special_tokens["<|eom_id|>"]
        self.python_tag = self.special_tokens["<|python_tag|>"]

        # During generation, stop when either eos_id or eot_id is encountered
        self.stop_tokens = [self.eos_id, self.eot_id]

        if "tokenizer_file" in kwargs.keys():
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            tokenizer_file = kwargs.pop("path", None)
            super().__init__(tokenizer_file=tokenizer_file, *args, **kwargs)

    def _validate_special_tokens(
        Validate that required special tokens are passed into the tokenizer. The
        following special tokens are required: <|begin_of_text|>, <|end_of_text|>,
        <|start_header_id|>, <|end_header_id|>, <|eot_id|>, <|eom_id|>, <|python_tag|>
        for token in LLAMA3_SPECIAL_TOKENS.keys():
            if token not in self.special_tokens:
                raise ValueError(f"{token} missing from special_tokens")

    def encode(
        text: str,
        add_bos: bool = True,
        add_eos: bool = True,
    ) -> List[int]:
        if add_bos:
            return super().encode(text)
            return super().encode(text)[1:]
    def tokenize_message(
        self, message: Message, tokenize_header: bool = False
    ) -> List[int]:
        Tokenize a message into a list of token ids.
            message (Message): The message to tokenize.
            tokenize_header (bool): Whether to prepend a tokenized header to each message.

            List[int]: The list of token ids.
        if tokenize_header:
            tokenized_header = (
                + self.encode(message.role.strip(), add_bos=False, add_eos=False)
                + [self.end_header_id]
                + self.encode("\n\n", add_bos=False, add_eos=False)
            tokenized_header = []
        tokenized_body = self.encode(
            message.content.strip(), add_bos=False, add_eos=False
        if message.ipython:
            tokenized_body = [self.python_tag] + tokenized_body
        tokenized_message = tokenized_header + tokenized_body
        if message.eot:
            tokenized_message = tokenized_message + [self.eot_id]
            tokenized_message = tokenized_message + [self.eom_id]
        return tokenized_message

    def tokenize_messages(
        messages: List[Message],
        max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None,
        tokenize_header: bool = True,
        add_eos: bool = True,
    ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[bool]]:
        Tokenize a list of messages into a list of token ids and masks.

            messages (List[Message]): The list of messages to tokenize.
            max_seq_len (Optional[int]): The maximum sequence length.
            tokenize_header (bool): Whether to prepend a tokenized header to each message.

            Tuple[List[int], List[bool]]: The list of token ids and the list of masks.
        tokens = [self.bos_id]
        # bos and eos are always masked
        mask = [True]
        for message in messages:
            tokenized_message = self.tokenize_message(
                message, tokenize_header=tokenize_header
            tokens = tokens + tokenized_message
            mask = mask + ([message.masked] * len(tokenized_message))
            if max_seq_len and len(tokens) >= max_seq_len:
        if add_eos:
            tokens = tokens + [self.eos_id]
            mask = mask + [True]
        if max_seq_len:
            tokens = truncate(tokens, max_seq_len, self.eos_id)
            mask = truncate(mask, max_seq_len, True)
        return tokens, mask


