Bezier Curves

1 minute read

This is one of most amazing videos for math concept introduction,together with a great primer

0 Defination

Lerp means Linear interpolation. \(P(t) = (1-t)P_0 + tP_1\) De Casteljau defination of Bezier curves is illustrated below with recursive lerps. Alt text Separeting the $P$ values, gives you basis of Bezier functions Alt text Two other definatinos are listed as polynomial coefficient and Matrix form Alt text Alt text

1. B-Spline

The shortage of Bezier curves are

  1. No local control (The basis covers the whole range)
  2. Does NOT interpolate (except for start/end points)
  3. Unstable and expensive to calculate Alt text and the B-Spline solves all these issues Alt text We only consider equal knot interval B-splines Alt text

2. Parametric Continuity

$C^i$ continuous if \(A^{(i)}(t_{end})=B^{(i)}(t_{start}) \\ i={0,1,..n}\)

The continuity of B-spline is decided by the control points next to the knots. Alt text Broken and Aligned knots give $C^0$ Alt text To get continuous velcocity, $P_4$ can NOT be random. Alt text So, mirrored knots gives $C^1$ but NOT $C^2$ Alt text To get $C^2$, $P_5$ is locked Alt text

$C^3$ gives you totally no control of the curve, and super sensative to the initial conditions. Alt text And it’s same as extrapolating t to larger than 1 values. Alt text So it’s not just $C^3$ but $C^\infin$
Alt text

3 Geometry Continuity

For Aligned knots, if we ignore the magnitude of the velocity, and only looks at unit vector and it’s norm, it’s still continuous and called $G^1$. Alt text How about $G^2$? This is the continuity of the reflections!!! Alt text Even the circle surface is NOT $G^2$ Alt text Why? The norm direction of the curve have a non smooth change Alt text

4 Curvature

Curvature is defined as below Alt text and the relation between continuity and curvature is tricky

  1. $C^0$ may have continuous curvature
  2. $C^1$ does NOT guarantee the continuous curvature Alt text

So we can understand GC as below

  1. $G^1$ is aligned curvature
  2. $G^2$ is continuous curvature
  3. $G^3$ is $C^1$ in curvature comb Alt text

or the official defination of GC is below. Alt text and it’s related to Parametric Continuity as below Alt text

Now you can see the reflection is connnected on $G^2$ surfaces. Alt text Alt text


