Helm and Operators
Helm to K8s is similar apt to Ubuntu, which is a package management system. It defines pod yaml, deployment yaml, ServiceAccount, Secrets, etc
1. Helm Concepts
Concept | Description |
Chart | Helm package |
Repo | help charts repo |
Release | An instance of chart running on k8s |
Value | parameters for charts |
Templates | K8s defination |
## Initialize a Helm Chart Repository for NV
helm repo add nvidia https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia
## update repo
helm repo update
## List charts under NV
helm search repo nvidia
## Show details of this chart
helm show chart nvidia/gpu-operator
2. Operators
Operator is similar to Helm but it’s implemented by extending k8s API. An Operator can be also wrapped in a Helm.
# NIM Operator
# create namespace
kc create ns nim-operator
# install helm charts with [NAME] and [CHART]
helm install nim-operator nvidia/k8s-nim-operator -n nim-operator
kc get pods -n nim-operator
KubeRay is one type of operators, and Anyscale Operator was released in Ray Summit this year to help deploy Ray into K8s clusters.
Operator is installed through Helm chart.
#another ex of install GPU Operator
helm install --wait --generate-name \
-n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
## helm install [NAME] [CHART] [flags]
## --genreate-name : generate name and ommit the NAME parameter
## --create-namespace: create the release namespace if not present
## -n : specify namesapce
## already installed under namespace gpu-operator
helm list -n gpu-operator
helm list -A/--all-namespaces