Helm and Operators

1 minute read

Helm to K8s is similar apt to Ubuntu, which is a package management system. It defines pod yaml, deployment yaml, ServiceAccount, Secrets, etc

1. Helm Concepts

Concept Description
Chart Helm package
Repo help charts repo
Release An instance of chart running on k8s
Value parameters for charts
Templates K8s defination
## Initialize a Helm Chart Repository for NV
helm repo add nvidia https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia
## update repo
helm repo update
## List charts under NV
helm search repo nvidia
## Show details of this chart
helm show chart nvidia/gpu-operator

2. Operators

Operator is similar to Helm but it’s implemented by extending k8s API. An Operator can be also wrapped in a Helm. Alt text

# NIM Operator
# create namespace
kc create ns nim-operator
# install helm charts with [NAME] and [CHART]
helm install nim-operator nvidia/k8s-nim-operator -n nim-operator
kc get pods -n nim-operator

KubeRay is one type of operators, and Anyscale Operator was released in Ray Summit this year to help deploy Ray into K8s clusters.

Operator is installed through Helm chart.

#another ex of install GPU Operator
helm install --wait --generate-name \
   -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
## helm install [NAME] [CHART] [flags]
## --genreate-name : generate name and ommit the NAME parameter
## --create-namespace: create the release namespace if not present
## -n : specify namesapce 

## already installed under namespace gpu-operator
helm list -n gpu-operator
helm list -A/--all-namespaces


