GenAI by Hung-yi Lee 2024-02

2 minute read

Continue with Part 1, The 5th way of prompt engineering.

5 Model Cooperation

Model Cooperatation could be due to cost. This is similar to MoE but no LLM architecture is changed here. Alt text Or quality improvment based on reflect Alt text Exchange-of-Throught is about different cooperatoin between model.s Alt text The discussion is the longer the better. But on general, the models are very polite and no intend to argue. You need to purposely prompt them to get into discussion. Alt text

Different roles can be assigned to models. But lots of spoiler for Frieren! Alt text and Dynamic LLM agent can also judge the performance of each LLM and exchange the low performing ones. Alt text

Couple of multi role Agents
Generative Agent

Now Let’s get into LLM training

1. Pretraining

Funny metaphor for different phase of training. Alt text This part of talk is very basic, going through topics like hyperparameter and initialization. An interesting point is show how much data is needed to train Syntactic, Semantic and Winograd knowledge.

WCS (Winograd Schema Challenge) is test of machine intelligence proposed in 2012 by Hector Levesque.

The first cited example of a Winograd schema is due to Terry Winograd.

The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they [feared/advocated] violence.

The choices of “feared” and “advocated” turn the schema into its two instances:

The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they(concilmen) feared violence.
The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they(demonstrators) advocated violence.

Data engineering for LLM pre-training is mainly data cleaning. Alt text Otherwise some repeatation is shocking. Alt text Best takeaway from this talk, why pre-training is not good enough? Because the knowledge online may not direct answers. This is why SFT is used in the alignment. Alt text

2. Instruction FT

To avoid FT changing original parameters, we can use adapters. and LoRA is one of them. Alt text There are collections of adapters Alt text Two ways of FT. The second one is widely used. Alt text The ability to learn to be a general is beyand imagination Alt text FLAN from google is an example, and T0 from Huggingface. I never heard of neither one. Alt text But Instruct GPT is better than FLAN, due to the FT data quality. FLAN training data are from templates, and GPT is collecting from real human input. Alt text Even Llama2, only used 25K data in FT. Alt text How to get high quality FT data? Reverse GPT is a common practice, even though prohibited by OpenAI terms Alt text How to get the weights of pretrain model? It’s not impossible until Llama comes What a great quote here! Alt text


