Python tips

less than 1 minute read

Random Python tips I collect recently.

  1. IMMUTABLE: String, Tuple, Bytes, Booleans, Numbers
  2. MUTABLE: List, Dic, Set
  3. Tuple() can use [], but NO add or append
  4. Set {}, no order, can NOT use [], {1,2}.add(3), NO DUPLICATE
  5. String can use [], but immutable, str[0] = c would fail
  6. [x]*10 will generate 10 refer to the SAME x, change 1 will change ALL
  7. [[] for _ in range(10)] instead
  8. print(f’{value=}’) I love it
  9. list(dict) == list(disk.keys())
  10. a=b=123, other useage may have side effect
  11. 10<= a <30 works in Python
  12. list(range(1,n+1))
  13. ans.append(list_b) vs ans.append(list_b[:]). Future modification of list_b may have side effect


