SQL 101

1 minute read

The first new thing I learnt in 2024 is SQL. I did a try back in 2022 job hunting, and was asked to write SQL quries in Databricks SA interview. I never write one single line of SQL before except for SELECT * FROM table. I studies all the SQL grammar for a week and did an interview again, and still failed. No suprise, knowing all the JOIN grammer doesn’t really help unless you really wrtie SQL in practice.

categrory EMH Comments
1757 E WHERE low_fats='Y' and recyclable ="Y" Use =
584 E WHERE IFNULL(referee_id,0)<>2 use <> and IFNULL or WHERE referee_id IS NULL or referee_id<>2 use IS NULL
1683 E WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(content)>15
1378 E FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 on table1.id = table2.id
1581 E SELECT COUNT(*) AS col_new .... GROUP BY col1 WHERE col1 NOT IN (SELECT ...) nested and use NOT IN or IN
197 E FROM Weather AS w1 JOIN Weather AS w2 ON DATEDIFF(w1.recordDate, w2.recordDate) = 1 self join to get different col comparison
1661 E FROM table AS a1, table AS a2 WHERE a1.col='a' AND a2.col='b' Choose from the same table twice, compare rows .ROUND(AVG(xxx),3)...GROUP BY
1280 E GROUP X Y find all rows with SAME X and Y col into a group
570 M GROUP BY col HAVING COUNT(*) >=5 !!! Use HAVING instead of WHERE here!!!
1934 M 11. JOIN ... USING common_col_name instead of using ON
620 E a != b, a%2=1
1251 E SELECT cola+/-/*/clob You can do calc on columns on SELECT
1211 E SUM(CASE WHEN col_a > 100 THEN col_b ELSE 0 END)
1193 M SUBSTR(‘SQL Tutorial’, start, length)
1174 M IF (col = ‘condition’, val_if, val_else)
1141 E WHERE (date > "2019-06-27" AND date <= "2019-07-27")
1070 M 1. WHERE () in (Table with same columns) 2. Select cola=colb == Select If(cola=colb, 1, 0) 3. Select MIN(col_a)
1045 M GROUP BY col HAVING COUNT(distinct col2) = (SELECT COUNT(col2) FROM tab1)


