State Space Machine
Structured State Space for Sequence Modeliing S4 paper by Albert Gu, 2021
This is study note from this blog
0 The problem
We propose SSM to solve the slow inference issue for Transformers
1 State Space
State Space is vector representation of a state.
In NN, state is typically hidden state, in LLM, it’s generating a new token.
2 State Space Model (SSM)
These two equations are the core of the State Space Model.
and can be simplied as below with skip connection for matrix D
With discretization
3 RNN and CNN representation
It’s very similar to RNN
and can use represented by CNN as well.
So 1D CNN for LLM with 1D kernel.
Now we have three representations
Combine the fast training for CNN and fast inference for RNN, we have Linear State Space Layer.
4 HiPPO and S4
In order to rememeber long context, HiPPO was introduced here. The core idea is focus on near term memory but also have inifinte long term memory w large degration.
Apply HiPPO to SSM, we have S4
Will discuss more details in the next blog.
5 H3
H3 (Hunry, Hunry HiPPO) is SSM sandwiched by two gated connections. It also inserts a standard local convolution, which they frame as a shift-SSM, before the main SSM layer.
H3 is later envolved into Mamba. and there are some other architectures like Hyena,RWKV(Receptance Weighted Key Value) are all based on SSM.