Spline 2

less than 1 minute read

Second part of this videos talks about spines again. and I think I found some clue to 1/3 of vel in the previous spine

1 Hermite Spline

If we define the velocity at each control point, then we get Hermite Spline. Alt text and it can be convert to Bezier by adding control points with 1/3 of the velocity manipulations Alt text

2 Linear Spline

It’s trivial but cheap Alt text

3 Cardinal Spline

On top of Hermite, if we define the velocity is in the direction of adjacent points, we get cardinal spline. The scale is used to control the length of vel. vector. Alt text The Catmull-Rom is actually a special type of cardinal spline with scalar $s=0.5$ Alt text
It’s very smooth but still not $C^2$ Alt text

4 B-Spline

In order to get $C^2$, we solve 16 equations (See details in Spline 1) then we get B-spline Alt text and there are other types of B-spline is we change the interval length and give weights to different control points, it’s call NURBS for short. Alt text

5 Summary

Alt text


