YOLO v4-v9

less than 1 minute read

Continue to finish YOLO v4-v9 in this video. Just curious what they did to ship these many new versions of YOLO

0 v1-v3

Here are the list of paper titles to v1 to v3. Salute! Alt text Alt text Alt text

1 YOLO v4

Alt text Image augmentation techs were applied here and tried different activation Alt text Use SAM and PAN Alt text Alt text SAM is applying different weight to CNN channles, which is used in SEnet(Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks) Alt text

2 YOLO v5

Ultralytics took over YOLO since this version and key change is use TPH(Transformers Prediction Heads)to replace CNN Alt text Alt text

3 YOLO v6-v7/v8

v6 is from Meituan Alt text

4 YOLO v9

Alt text PGI is the differenciator and used GELAN. Alt text

5 YOLO v10 and after

Alt text


