K8S again
A k8s intro in Chinese from this video. It explains k8s concepts in a much clear way and I finally feel that I understand the architecture of k8s
1 Services
Let’s review ks8 components again
Pod Pod can have one or more containers. The best practice is one, and others are called side cars
Service and NodePort Pod’s interal IP may change, so create a service can have fixed access to pod. and nodeport can be used for external access with a external facing port number.
– Ingress
Ing is for external URL access
– ConfigMap and Secrets
Both are used to record config data. Secrets used base64 encoding, so it’s not really secret
– Deployment
A group of pods can be deployed by a deployment. and ReplicaSet is between pod and deployment
Statefulset is a deployment for database
2 Master and Worker nodes
A worker has kubelet, kube-proxy(for networking), and a container runtime
Master is build around APIServer to interact with kubectrl command
- API Server: Gateway to the k8s
- Scheduler: monitor resource usage for all services, assign pod into node
- c-m: Control Mangaer, check resource status
- etcd: Key-value storeage, similar to redis. It’s the brain of k8s and record all data for k8s
- c-c-m: Cloud-control-Manager, for connecting with EKS/AKS/GKS
3 K8S setup
- minukube: Creating a single node K8s
- multipass + k3s: A mini VM ware + mutile node k8s
- killacoda: online k8s sandbox
4 Examples
- The best practice of creating a pod is by creating a deployment. A replicaset will be create and also a pod
- Edit a deployment will automatically create cooresponding replicatset and pods
- You can create a service or expose a deployment
- The service config file use selector to match with pod labels
- The nodeport can map internal targetPort into external facing pord
Here are list of other service type